Love is

They say love has no meaning, until you meet someone to define it.
And you, I think you've just defined it for me.
Love is when you sing to me with a melodic voice that sends angelic sounds down my throat and into my soul.
Love is when I grab your hand, and I see the rest of our days.
Love is when we write each other letters and I see your hands extend out of the paper to pull my soul out of me to bond with yours.
Love is when I'm captivated by your divine eyes and they remind me of why I fell for you in the first place.
Love is the breaths between every kiss, that sweet air that I beg to inhale after I indulge the taste of your lips.
Love is the lame jokes we tell each other, but laugh regardless, because we enjoy those awkward moments.
Love is when you put up with my problems, and I cook to make it up.
Love is the corny poems we write for each other, and every comma and space in between.
Love is when you say those three words, and brighten my day like the ray of sunshine on Sunday Morning as the rain is falling.
Oh, it is Love, that brings us closer as one.
There is no HelloGoodbye moments between us because once I say hello, I'll never leave you to say goodbye.
Love is the songs we listen to and spend hours having an intellectual conversation about it.
Now granted we may be young, and reckless, we are unconditional love in its purest form.
There is no infatuation or lust, for this is beyond that. 
This is love.

Poem 1

Poem 2

Testimony Poem